Friday, December 28, 2007

Saturday afternoon

Hello Anyone,

Saturday afternoon and I just checked my email. 14 new leads since last night. I will call a few and send a few to my newest associates. I love this business! My son just went down for a nap. He was a wild man today. I am so grateful for my family. I feel full. I am blessed. I wonder if anyone will ever read any of this. No matter. It feels good just to get it out there. God bless you and yours.


First Timer

I just wanted a outlet to let the world know how happy and grateful Iam. I have a healthy and happy one year old son. My wife is a knockout and she is extremly smart and a amazimg wife/mother. We have an amazing life and I am compelled to share a little with the world.

I am also grateful for the home business that I found back in March of '07. The opportunity gave us freedom. It is amazing what you are able to do once the money thing is no longer an issue. We travel the world and have met amazing people that have the same drive and desires that we have.

I am a "average Joe" I have always worked really hard but never really enjoyed making someone else rich. Well, things have changed. My son is 14 months old. I have not missed a day with him. I have given him at least 300+ baths in his short lifespan. I am present when he wakes up and when he FINALLY winds down for bed. Freedom. I am so happy to be free to spend my time with the people I am in love with. God bless


PS. Feel free to check out our web site.